Printly is Ike's lowkey method of selling printables which has been pulling him 1.2k/mo passively with free traffic and only about 20 minutes of work per day.
Ike's no guru or serial product launch guy. He's just a regular guy living in Japan who found a little gem to make money online without selling people 'make money online' related products.
Printly is a super simple method. No selling skills needed. Any newbie can learn this and do it easily because there's no competition.
Printly: $14.95 - A video course based on Ike's 1.2k/mo case study by selling printables using free traffic. You get step by step instructions on a super simple method that requires very little thinking power. There's no competition and it's easy to win in this market.
OTO 1: $37 - 30 DFY Printables. Proven to sell printables that you can start making money with right away. This takes all the work out of this method for you.
OTO 2: $97 - License Rights - 100% commissions by selling Printly as your own product.
OTO 3: $2,000 - is Brendan Mace's personal 1-on-1 coaching with them. He stopped offering personal coaching for a while.
DS 3: $197 - is Brendan's digital coaching. He gives you access to his coaching membership site where you can go through all the information he normally teaches in his 1-on-1 coaching but you don't have access to him.
Here Are Some Key Benefits You May Be Interested In Getting:
- No Email List Needed
- Start Generating Cash in as little as 12 hours
- Quick & Easy to Set Up
- Easy to Scale (Rinse & Repeat)
- Start Creating Passive Income from These Cash Cows
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